Be the way. Be the truth. Be the life.
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The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Matthew 25:40 NIV
Welcome to RAMPed. We are so glad you are interested in learning more about RAMPed. RAMPed is a four week course that was developed out of the desire to help churches integrate marginalized people into the church community. The "RAMP" is the way churches can accomplish this.
RAMPed is an acronym where "R" is to recognize the need for relationship, "A" is to advocate, "M" is for mentorship and "P" is to be present. Each week we build on the previous week, however, by no means is this a step by step approach to integration, instead it is an organic approach where each part is connected. Overall the course is designed to help churches reflect on how they integrate marginalized people and how they can improve. It offers a time of learning, growing, and a time to seek God for guidance in integration.
The course can be conducted either in-person or digitally, however, we would love to come to you and share our heart for integration.